About us


Once the home of Mohujos Mexican restaurant, The Crafty Cock, came to life in June 2017. The brain child of Wendy Sayers and Phil Mcghee, desperate to find a home for their own alcohol tendancies, The Crafty Cock rose out of the ashes to become a solid bird all of its own.
Keen to raise a glass as old as time and ching ching to modern times, the old laid waste to the new and the egg was hatched.
The Crafty Cock is home to over 90 cracking spirits, including gins, whiskys and tequilas, and a brood of fine ales. Some of our specialist drinks come from the local coops of brewers and distillers.

We also have an ever changing small menu of freshly produced, locally sourced home made food. We have a weekly mexican men u, speciality tapas and a fabulous sunday lunch menu. Combine this with our stunning ales, beers and lagers there is something to suit everyones palette.

We have recently had a Mohujos Mexican takeover in the kitchen. The original Mohujos chef Andrew Laverick, as well as serving great tapas mid week, made the decision with Wendy and Phil, to bring Mohujos back to its birthplace. Its a select choice of some of the favourites and specials. It went down so well with some of our old Mohujos customers and new Crafty customers, that we may do it more often.

113 Station Road Billingham